Friday, September 30, 2005

War IS Peace

" . . . to preserve the peace, sometimes my country believes war is necessary . . . "
—Karen Hughes, Undersecretary of State for Public Relations, speaking to women in Turkey on 9/29/05

Yeah, and Florida really did vote for Bush in 2000. But then Hughes wouldn't know about that.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rita's Yellow Brick Road

Some right wing nuts believe that Hurricane Katrina was a message direct from God Herself sent to punish America for its sins. She chose New Orleans, apparently, because the city is a seething example of sexuality, decadence, and debauchery. (My kind of town, Amen and Hallelujah!)

The freaks may have something there, but I think they're slightly off target on the message. Picture this: Katrina was the set-up for the message. Katrina was the wind that blew back the curtain to reveal the feeble, little man pretending to be the Great Oz. She revealed to the entire country that someone has been too busy playing politics and taking vacations to secure our nation and protect its citizens.

The real message comes with Katrina's big sister, Rita, and she'll be wreaking her havoc in Texas. Ah, Texas, the home of such evildoers as ethics challenged Tom Delay, truth/leadership/IQ challenged George W., and soul/decency/conscience challenged Karl Rove. See a pattern here?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Three's Company

While we're expanding, Xaotica has joined the team. In her words, she has "an unending supply of righteous indignation." Take that for whatever you may feel it's worth, but I have a strange sense that any questions about it will be answered in short order.

Double the Pleasure, Double the Pun(dits)

My wife has joined me here at Intentional Fallacy. She and I differ sometimes in degrees and other times on issues. This remains a place to let loose on contentious issues, and Sunshine has no interest in sugar-coating her views. I'm sure she'll liven things up.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hatching Roe

It seems that Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) has decided that it is now OK to discuss Roe v. Wade during the Roberts hearings. Can I be the only person surprised by this?

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Science of God

Yes, folks, it seems we will soon be treated to scientific evidence of the existence of God. You may think that I, a former Sunday School teacher and youth group leader who still holds to his faith, would be thrilled by this, but I am not. No, I can barely stomach the possibility that anyone might claim to have proven the existence of God—a feat that is tantamount to claiming to be the Rabbi Ben Levi of the Longfellow poem.

I learned this quite by accident, in fact. In peering through my Sitemeter data, I found that someone had visited (quite randomly with the "Next Blog" button) my site from a blog maintained by a man who has co-authored a book on Intelligent Design (we won't get into that issue here). I left a comment, and a discussion emerged via email. In a recent reply, Jim informed me of his intention to publish in the near future an article that provides scientific proof of God's existence.

I await it with great anticipation. In the meantime, I asked him which God's existence he can prove.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Rebuilding is Rebuilding is Rebuilding, Right?

It might look as if the Bush administration is treating Iraq and the Gulf Coast (what the heck, they booth have gulfs and petrochemical value) as fungible. Kellogg Brown and Root (that's Halliburton, folks) and Bechtel, both of which secured huge contracts associated with the reconstruction of Iraq, are recipients of huge contracts related to the relief and rebuilding efforts in the Gulf Coast region.

Some might say that these companies receieved these contracts because they are in a better position to supply the needed services than many oftheir competitors, but what have we learned about Halliburton billing practices? You know, the billing practices that make Enron accounting look GAAP-compliant?

I hope I am worrying about nothing, but for some reason I just don't trust Cheney's former company beyond its first three letters.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Brownie Points

Earlier this week (Wednesday, I believe) Scott "Scottie" McClellan accused a prominent member of the White House Press Corps of trying to play the "blame game" (see how many supposedly ordinary citizens are using that phrasing in letters to the editor around the country now) by asking whether or not the President retained full confidence in Michael "Brownie" Brown (I swear that these are actual nicknames that Dubya uses), head of FEMA. The reporter, of course, was asking because the level of criticism of FEMA's handling of the post-Katrina situation has risen, and late last week, Bush openly put his support behind Brownie (using that name). The whole thing got a little ugly in the briefing room, but that's another matter (neither Scottie nor the reporter in question came out smelling much better than downtown New Orleans, in my opinion, nor was either less poisonous).

Brownie has been kicked back up to D.C. by his boss, Michael Chertoff (I have never heard him called "Mikey" or any other such thing, so leave the Life commercials aside). Whether or not the White House admits to having or even did have a hand in that decision is irrelevant. If the President didn't order it, Chertoff, a cabinet member, certainly did, and that's a smack in Brownie's face. Some, however, have suggested that Brownie, the man who was, shortly before getting a position with FEMA, fired from a position in which he managed some aspect of horse show judging, might be the Republican Party's fall guy on this. Maybe, but if ever this administration has had a chance to lean on a less substantial scapegoat, I have not heard of the incident.

The Mayor of New Orleans screwed up a little. The state of Louisiana (I understand that other states were hit, as were other cities in LA, but I want to look here at the Big Easy because it is also the Big One) screwed up a little. The federal government screwed up a lot. That puts the bulk of the blame at the federal level, to my eyes, and that includes appointments by a man who claimed during one of the 2004 presidential debates that he had not made a single mistake during his first term. Let's engage in the blame game a little (sorry, Scottie, but I can't beam the survivors up, and neither can you).

The local mistake was in failing to understand and properly implement—in a timely fashion—the existing (and quite insufficent) disaster plan. The mayor called for an evacuation only two days before Katrina hit New Orleans, but there was neither the time nor the travel infrastructure to effect such a mass migration of citizens.

The state's error was much the same as the city's. A plan was on the books, yet it remained there days after it should have been acted on. State officials bear some of the blame, and clearest among those is the governor.

The federal failure was of on a grander scale, for two reasons. First, the delay in local and state plans should have placed the feds, most notably FEMA and DHS, on highest alert and sent both agencies into a flurry of action, possibly involving the federalizing of the remaining state guard and reserve so that they could move in immediately. Let's face it: FEMA, DHS, and the military have the people and the machines to get into any location in the country inside of a day of an incident. Reporters managed it without helicopters, and the military has helicopters and manpower. Second, the feds had the same amount of warning as the state and local agencies, yet they have vastly greater budgets. There was time to prepare for the response. Hell, there was time to aid in the evacuation!

Pretty much everyone screwed up, but the man whose job it is to handle these types of situations was, along with his agency, AWOL for days. Brownie's back in Washington, and the Coast Guard has a man in charge. Things are looking up now, or at least they are looking less down. Will this move score "Brownie" points with a public more distressed than ever before with the domestic policies and management of the federal government? I doubt it. Katrina may have petered out, but its full force has yet to his Washington. Justly or not, that will happen soon, and some as-yet-unidentified heads will roll. Maybe a little DNA testing or dental records will help us identify the casualties of the political storm to come.