Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'm Thinking NO

Could an atheist be elected to national office?

Come to think of it, are there currently any publicly "out" atheists or agnostics serving in Washington?

I had never asked before. I had assumed the answer would be no. It has always seemed to me that those politicians are sort of forced to talk about how great "God" is and how they go to church with family every Sunday and all of that horseshit although I've never understood WHY. Despite what they would have you believe, morality and religion are not interdependent.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A congresman recently "came out" - no lynching yet, so maybe that's progress...

Someone on a talk show ("Bob's" Slacktime Funhouse, out of Georgia) observed that 100 years ago, people like us were killed, then jailed, then stigmatized, then shunned, now mostly ignored, hopefully in the future "normal", and eventually, they'll PAY US.


11:25 AM  

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