Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Know You're Out There

So come on, someone, tell me. What the hell is the so-called "gay agenda"?

Consider this article about the problems that religious conservatives in the Republican party have with gays in the Republican party. Check near the bottom of the first page for a couple references to the "gay agenda." I have been hearing about and reading about this fanciful beast for far too many years, but as yet, it apears to be a day behind a unicorn in showing up anywhere.

Here's my challenge to all you folks out there who may stumble this way: Detail for me this "gay agenda." Oh, and don't forget the evidence. You know, that stuff that allows an argument to ascend above the level of that dogma crap.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

There is a Tide. . .

. . . and it is turning.

Can you say impeachment, boys and girls?

Monday, October 09, 2006


Apparently there is a term that describes nations that cannot be counted on for reason: they are not "fully rational players" in international politics. It one thing when a nation that mistekenly gets described as "democratic," is not a fully rational player, but adding nuclear arms to that mix is a bad idea.

Now the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has joined that group. Wasn't it bad enough when the United States, not currently fully rational and not really "democratic," had nukes? The world is going to hell in a mushroom cloud.