Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rita's Yellow Brick Road

Some right wing nuts believe that Hurricane Katrina was a message direct from God Herself sent to punish America for its sins. She chose New Orleans, apparently, because the city is a seething example of sexuality, decadence, and debauchery. (My kind of town, Amen and Hallelujah!)

The freaks may have something there, but I think they're slightly off target on the message. Picture this: Katrina was the set-up for the message. Katrina was the wind that blew back the curtain to reveal the feeble, little man pretending to be the Great Oz. She revealed to the entire country that someone has been too busy playing politics and taking vacations to secure our nation and protect its citizens.

The real message comes with Katrina's big sister, Rita, and she'll be wreaking her havoc in Texas. Ah, Texas, the home of such evildoers as ethics challenged Tom Delay, truth/leadership/IQ challenged George W., and soul/decency/conscience challenged Karl Rove. See a pattern here?


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