Thursday, November 30, 2006

Civil War

So NBC is calling the mess in Iraq a civil war, but the BBC is holding off. Colin Powell (prepping for a run at the White House?) says yes, but General Jack Keane, who developed the invasion plan, says not yet (but it's getting there).

Sadly, and many before me have said this same things, civil war may be necessary. Indeed, we got our nation through civil war. Let's be clear about one thing here: The only things that may remain of the Iraq that stood before the invasion are the name and the borders. This is not an improved Iraq; this is a new nation. New nations are not created by those in existence, they are created by people. Sadly, the people have little say right now in where things are going, and no elections are going to change that fact until the violence is stopped from inside.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Better Dead Than Red

Let the new meaning of that phrase sound across this land for ages as the heralds proclaim an end to the politics of private deals and public hatred.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Bush Takes Credit

Bush has taken credit for a lot of things since taking office (note I did not write "since being elected"), but after Tuesday's midterms he finally took credit for something good: helping create the environment that lost the House and the Senate for the red team. Heck, he even managed to be in office when an avowed Socialist (that's the other red team) took a seat in the senate. That's a neat trick.

Dickie Gets An F

Yep, it became official yesterday: Cheney gets an F, either for misunderstanding math or failing to read well enough to differentiate between (D) and (R).

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Math

Yeah, let's see if Rove passes the course after 36 more hours.

All Things Considered