Monday, October 03, 2005

Polls, Schmolls

The majority of Americans demand withdrawal from Iraq (or at least a withdrawal plan).
We are denied the very notion by the Administration.

The majority of Americans want a non- or bi-partisan investigation into the disastrous Katrina response.
We are denied by both GOP-led houses of Congress and the President who could make it happen IF he wanted to. Q: What are they afraid of? A. Political fallout, of course. Not the loss of life, livelihood, and New Orleans, but political fallout.

The majority of Americans disapprove of how both the President and Congress are performing their jobs. Let's summarize, shall we?
Tom Delay: two indictments. One, two, that's two!
David Safavian: arrested.
Jack Abramoff: indicted.
Karl Rove: leaker of classified info for political retribution?
Scooter Libby: see Karl Rove.
Rep. Duke Cunningham: indicted.
Bill Frist: inside trader?
Lest we forget that it has been alleged that both the P and VP were involved in the discussions surrounding Plamegate.
Excellent job, Repubs!

And the majority of citizens believe that America is being led in the wrong direction.
I guess GW does have some leadership ability after all.


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